Alert issued for heatwave in Rajasthan starting today

May 12, 2023 - 13:00
Alert issued for heatwave in Rajasthan starting today
google, Amarujala

Hot weather conditions commence in Rajasthan today. The Meteorological Department has issued a yellow alert for districts in western Rajasthan. Daytime temperatures have soared above 43 degrees Celsius in Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Churu, Ganganagar, and Phalodi.

Except for Sikar, temperatures in all other cities across the state have reached or exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. Consequently, scorching heat has set in during the day. The Shekhawati belt may experience weather fluctuations from May 14-15, with a possibility of dusty winds and cloud cover, although rainfall or thunderstorms are not expected.

According to the latest 24-hour report, the highest temperature recorded was 44.4 degrees Celsius in Bikaner. Jaisalmer and Jalore also reached a maximum temperature of 44 degrees Celsius yesterday.

Along with intense daytime heat, heatwaves are causing disruptions in daily life in these cities. Daytime curfews have been imposed due to the extreme heat, resulting in reduced human activity.

Nighttime temperatures in these cities have also risen and now hover around 30 degrees Celsius. Phalodi recorded a minimum temperature above 30 degrees Celsius last night, while Bikaner registered a minimum of 29 degrees Celsius.

Udaipur, Jaipur, and Ajmer experienced their hottest day of the season yesterday. Ajmer's maximum temperature rose to 41.3 degrees Celsius, an increase of 2 degrees Celsius. Likewise, Udaipur reached 40 degrees Celsius for the first time this season.

Jaipur recorded a maximum temperature of 40.7 degrees Celsius yesterday, marking the second occurrence of 40 degrees Celsius this season. Yesterday, several cities, including Jaipur and Ajmer, experienced gusts of hot winds during the day at a moderate pace.

Only Sikar remained below 40 degrees Celsius, with a maximum temperature of 39 degrees Celsius (remaining below 40)