A policeman got hit by a young boy while doing stunts
A boy was doing stunts. A policeman tried to stop him but he hit him and ran away. But police took it serious and arrested him.

In Jaipur, police taught a lesson to a young boy that is being discussed everywhere. The boy was shooting a video doing stunts outside a mall situation on JLN Marg in Jaipur. He was riding his bike on one tire. A policeman saw it, and he tried to stop him. But instead of stopping, he hit the policeman and ran away.
A person who was present there, he captured all of this, and this video was going viral over the social media platforms. When this video went viral, police took this matter very seriously and started to search the boy according to the video.
The boy in the video was a resident of Dausa. He was 25 years old. Police sent his team to Dausa and arrested the boy. His bike was also seized by police. Actions are taken against the boy for doing stunts in a public place and hurting the policeman.
The video of the boy being arrested is going viral more than his stunt video. Police made a video of him in which he was apologizing for his mistake. This action by the police is being appreciated by everyone. That's a good thing that police are not taking these types of matters lightly. And this incident became a threat to all the people who are doing things, going against the rules.
Police gave a message to everyone through this video not to do such dangerous stunts in public places. Because these types of stunts are not only dangerous for the stuntman but also for the people who are around them during their stunts. This action by police is an awakening call to all the youth to be careful and not to do stupidity.